Tuesday, September 29, 2009

May have bitten off more than I can chew.

So in my desire to be awesome I decided to make Sophia's Halloween costume instead of buying it. There are actually two other reasons for doing this. First, a lot of the animal costumes are really thick and hot. For Texas it is just impractical because we hardly ever have that cold of weather in October. The poor girl has sweated through two Halloweens (yes, I am not opposed to reusing costumes if the girl allows it) in a dragon/dinosaur costume without complaint, but I don't know if she would do it again. She is more vocal now. The second reason is that if she wanted to be a princess, and I thought she might, the costumes look really itchy and not as fabulous as their price tags seem to think. And of course, I thought that I could do a better job.

Well, HA! We ended up after one Cinderella moment and a week or so of Ariel as a ladybug. Not one of those thick costumes that I spoke of early. No, this one she saw in a magazine and it was more cutesy ladybug like the bee below.

Well, I thought it would be simple enough. I just needed to find a pattern that had a similar top and then a cute skirt. I could even wing the skirt, if necessary. I looked through all the patterns and found NOTHING. So I eventually, after being enticed by a $0.99 sale, I chose to just modify this pattern.

I am making the blue one, but in red and black. I must say: I HATE SATIN and TULLE! They are just so much more difficult to work with than cotton. Satin slides while cutting. It slides while sewing. You can not even IRON it and make it stay. And then the darn tulle. Aaarrggh! is what I have to say.

Today, after getting the hem done on the satin underskirt and trying to pin some tulle into place, I had to take a break and iron. I chose ironing over sewing. This is a sad day.

Thank goodness there is always tomorrow.

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